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Based on overwhelming demand, “The World’s Premiere Fitness Organization for Winning Women” is thrilled to introduce a multi-tiered training program for MEN. BSF MEN is designed to create a fit and athletic male physique that maintains a healthy leanness. This is NOT a bodybuilding or competitive program, but rather a male version of our female PRO-FIT division for men who want to become Professionally FIT but not compete. There are three levels to choose from based on your own level of fitness when you begin training: NOVICE, INTERMEDIATE and ADVANCED. Each month BSF MEN members receive a NEW Training, Nutrition and Cardio plan modified to your goals, objectives and individual progress. Each member also receives his own Bombshell In-House Coach to guide him through the Bombshell Fitness Training System™ and members have 24/7 access to our digital exercise library and private BSF MENS social network.

PLEASE NOTE: All Bombshell Fitness Training programs are 100% HEALTHY. We do not support the use of ANY illegal or unhealthy supplements.

[custom_button style=”btn_small btn_type2″ target=”_self” href=””]Men’s Program Page – Click Here[/custom_button]