Getting fit does not have to happen only in a gym setting! At Bombshell Fitness, we have programs designed to give you that AMAZING hourglass shape from the comfort of your own home. Our HOMEBODY PROGRAM has all the tools you need to reach your fitness goals!
A few key pointers:
WORKOUT TIME: 20 Minutes
REST: 30 seconds between sets
SUPERSET: Complete the moves back to back with no rest in between.
3 x 10: This represents the number of sets (3) and repetitions (10).

Superset 1:
3 x 10 Bombshell Handle band squat and press
3 x 10 Bombshell Handle band biceps curl
3 x 10 Bombshell Handle band lateral raise
Superset 2:
3 x 10 Bombshell Banded lying straight leg lifts
3 x 15 Bombshell Banded booty dips
3 x 20 Duck walk
Superset 3:
3 x 15 Bombshell Handle Band seated row
3 x 10 Bombshell Handle Band upright row
3 x 10 each leg Bombshell Handle Band glute kickbacks
Want more Bombshell Homebody Workouts and even more tips on staying fit without a gym?
Our Bombshell Homebody Program may be PERFECT for you! You will receive monthly home workout along with nutrition plans that allow you to cook healthy meals for you and your entire family!
We have COUNTLESS members raving about our delicious recipes. Many who also let us know that their kids are LOVING the healthy options as well! What a win for Mom!
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