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Sure, that tropical vacation is MONTHS away, but do you really want to go through ANOTHER crash diet for a few weeks prior just to feel “just okay” in your bikini? Wouldn’t you rather CONTINUE to work on your fitness through the winter so you ROCK that summer bod?  YES PLEASE! 

Staying fit and healthy during the winter months is possible, even with all the Holiday treats.

We are here to help you Bombshell!!
Keep reading to find ALL the tricks and tips on how to keep that Bombshell Body all winter long! 


There is always a way to get your sweat on in, even in the house. A chair or couch can easily work as an aerobic stepper or as a bench. A couple of gallons of water make great 8 lbs dumbbells. And just 2 Bombshell bands can make a workout SO MUCH MORE CHALLENGING! 

Click here to get an AWESOME Bombshell Homebody Workout by our Homebody Coach, IFBB Pro Tatum Bounds.

Avoid CONSTANTLY wearing baggy clothes

We know that big comfy sweats are HEAVEN during the cold months, but they can make us less conscious of what’s underneath. The reality of the winter weight gain comes when we finally decide to wear something a little more fitting.

“Uh-oh, this is a little tighter than I remember.”

We are not telling you to ditch your baggy sweats, but we are challenging you to not wear them ALL THE TIME. A fitting outfit can be a little nudge in the RIGHT direction to watch your portion sizes and move a little more. 

Set a goal 

Weight loss/physique goals are not only for Summer cruises and birthday bashes, what is your health/fitness winter goal?

Perhaps a performance-based goal, like decrease minutes/mile or increase your squat weight. Or maybe use the fact that tempting foods are all around you to improve your relationship with food and be a more mindful Bombshell. (Click here to read more about mindless eating).

Goals keep us focused on what is important to us, so make sure you stay goal-oriented this winter. 

Get your Vitamin D 

The lack of sunshine may take a toll on our vitamin D levels, which can contribute to seasonal depression and weaker bones. Here are 3 ways to get enough vitamin D this winter: 

1. If it’s not too cold out, let your skin soak in a little sunshine. 10-15 minutes is enough. 

2. Include Vitamin D in your diet.

Natural good source of vitamin D include: Cod liver oil, Salmon, Canned Sardines, Canned Tuna, Shitake Mushrooms, Egg yolk
Fortified Food Sources: Milk, Orange Juice, Yogurts, Cheese, Breakfast cereals 

3. Utilize Supplements – (reminder to always check with your health care professional before starting any supplement)

Partner up

Having someone to help keep you accountable can definitely keep you on track! Find a winter partner, in person or online, to keep you motivated and accountable. You can give each other a weekly goal such as daily step counts, stair counts, water intake, and/or daily vegetable goal. Each week check-in with your partner to see how they are doing and help keep THEM motivated as well.

One of the amazing perks of being a VIP Bombshell is that you have your own personal VIP Coach and ALL the VIP members in our online community to keep you accountable all winter long. YAS to the Fit Sisterhood! 

Post on social

Social media is notorious for being a “highlight reel”, sharing only your best moments. When it comes to fitness, that often means that our posts become “#Flashbacks” or “#Throwbacks” of our summer bods. This winter stay active on social media with your current fitness endeavors and that Bombshell body!  

Sign up NOW

Make the commitment to YOU and YOUR fitness goals RIGHT NOW! Stop waiting for the clock to strike midnight on December 31st to commit to a healthy and fit lifestyle. Making a commitment now means you don’t have to make the decision when the New Year arrives, you are already on board and can hit the ground running!

Do the research NOW and decide NOW, the sooner you start, the further ahead you will be. We are confident you WILL see that Bombshell is the RIGHT choice for 2020! Here’s a little more info on what we have to offer.

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