Treat Your Skin as Well as Your Body

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It’s easy to neglect your skin when you are putting so much time, thought and effort in to making sure that every body part from head to toe is getting slimmer and tighter. But why put in all the work only to have dull, uneven skin?

You eat all these great foods to create a healthy body from the inside out. Why not make sure you are working from the outside in too?

These things are a MUST to get that Bombshell GLOW!!!

EXFOLIATE – Wear Exfoliating gloves in the shower. Even after the first time using them you will notice smoother skin and your skin will look radiant. Use a facial scrub to even out the surface of your skin and cleanse it.

MOISTURIZE – For your skin use baby oil or cocoa butter before you get out of the shower and right before bed. This will keep your skin hydrated all night. Make sure that you have a good cream for your face and apply it morning and night.

PROTECT – Wear sunscreen on your face and hands daily. No matter what the weather is like, the harmful UV rays can penetrate your skin even on the cloudiest days

WATER – Don’t forget to drink it all even when you’re in the “improvement season”. Keeping your body hydrated helps your skin from the inside. It can help clear up breakouts and open up your pores.

MAINTAIN YOUR WEIGHT – Gaining too much weight in the off season stretches your skin some. If you do this several times over the course of a few years the collagen and elastin in your skin just wont get as tight as it used to and it will damage the cells within. Staying too lean and ripped in the improvement season also not healthy for your skin. It will create age lines and dry your skin out. You will age yourself faster than time by doing this. Just follow the plans and be good and you will maintain the look of youth for much longer.